Pranavidhya, Marmatantra, and Ayurveda Kayakalpa combined have been found significantly superior to all other treatment systems to heal leukemia. Pure Healing can address all verities of blood cancers including AML, ALL, CML and CLL.


As long as something is alive, prana circulates through and around the body. When prana is weak, sick and dies, the life force departs and the organism dies. By regularly energizing prana, a sick person would gradually improve and heal in the process. Prana is also the source from which emotions, thoughts and spiritual life are drawn.

Prana, the energy circulation, brings forth a force field in and around a human body, similar to the field around a magnet, which can be felt or dealt with by sensitive individuals. This aura differs from person to person and extends beyond the visible physical body by four or more inches and also interpenetrates it.

(The Chinese call it chi, while Japanese call it ki. The views of both these schools are similar in essence to prana. However, they seem fall in short to explain importance of specific marmas when it comes treating fatal diseases such as leukemia.)


There are also chakras, or whirling energy, active along the spinal column with varying frequency in different people. The magnitude and astron of your chakra is important because this indicates the relative strength of the energy field. One is more vulnerable to stress and illness when reserves of these life energy are low. It is possible to communicate with this energy field to find out what is wrong with a person. In bone–marrow related ailments, especially in all types of blood cancers it is essential for a therapist to revitalize chakras by all possible means.

There are seven chakras as powerful psycho energy centers within the human body and each chakra has a specific function. The most important one is anahata chakra. There are three chakras above and three chakras below the anahata chakra. The upper three have to do with intellect and spirituality. The lower three chakras deal with physical functioning and sensual emotions. The anahata chakra balances the spirit with flesh.

Chakras are visualized as lotus flowers with a different number of petals in every chakra. The function of chakras is to spin and draw in universal life force energy to keep physical, spritual and mental health of body in balance. Ancient Vedic text, the satchakranirupana (sat-chakra-nirupana) describes chakra as emanations of consciousness from Brahman. The energy that was unleashed in creation, called the kundalini, (this Sanskrit word means ”coiling like a snake”) lies coiled and sleeping at the base of the spine. It is curled up in the back part of mooladhara chakra in three and half turns around the sacrum. It is the ultimate purpose of kundalini yoga to arouse this energy, and cause it to rise back up through subtler chakras, until union with God is achieved in the sahasrara chakra at the crown of the head. Kundalini awakening is associated with somatic experience of bio-energy by the yogi.

Space, time, matter, people and objects are all manifestations of energy of nature. The Divine has made these beings in balance and peace is the result. Life flows in harmonywith paramathma. However, due to various reasons, the energies that makeup the human body becomes unbalanced, resulting in ill health. The goal of Vedic healer is to restore the energy balance by manipulating the flow of energy that is generated in chakras and by administering ayurveda formulations. This process leads to healing.

With pranavidhya what I do is to assist the body’s energy systems to normalize so that the body can start healing itself. If there are blockages in the energy field, I remove these, and if there is depletion of energy, I replenish it. I work continuously with the ailing person to facilitate self-healing. This is an intimate process done with awareness, individual consciousness, utmost concentration and respect. Healing is the least understood and most abused metaphysical phenomenon. Due to ignorance and misunderstanding some treatments hit hard on patients, instead of being hard on the disease.

Persistent practice of yogasadhana, pranayama and dhyana help therapist to increase his healing power. Higher meditation makes one even more powerful in endeavoring to save lives of the terminally ill.

In India there are people who own ancient Sanskrit and Tamil literatures written on palm leaves that describe special techniques for energizing mooladhara chakra. These techniques can accelerate the healing process even from a long distance. Also there are secret teachings to project prana energy, building an energy code between healer and his patient. Healer is enabled to feel energy field of the patient from a far distance and to cleanse it, energize and stabilize the projected prana energy. Effectiveness of his work greatly depends on his mental health and more on techniques, learned from genuine guruparampara and mastered with practice. Later you will amaze yourself to see how much it contributes to the point of actual healing.

I often ask my patients to meditate at least a few minutes daily, as many times as they are able. It is important to note that pranayama strengthens one’s prana and energy field of chakra to an extent one may never have even imagined.

Day long fasting and meditation in the wilderness helps me to receive the ability to heal without depletion and to continuously send an unlimited amount of energy to the ailing.


Again, there are number of mysterious points on the physical living body where prana is stored. These important energy centers are called marma. They are altogether 108 in number and 7 out of these are located at back which can directly affect the functioning and well being of spinal chord. Marma points are located and measured by the finger units (anguli). Gentle melting touch and tiny vibrations liquefy the congestion at the areas of marma. The kondakkollli marma is located at the back of the head, and it is there that a fluid that can become either the nectar of immortality or the poison of death accumulates. (This is the same location where traditional Brahmins leave a ponytail at the back after shaving off the rest of the head.) Dealing with the seven marmas at the back, and the kondakkolli marma is a vital step in the whole healing and restoration process as far as leukemia is concerned.

  Seven marmas located at the back which can directly affect the functioning and well being of spinal chord.
1.Chippi marma ( two numbers )
4.Villu marma ( two numbers)

Healing someone requires setting his or her force field of chakra, and energy centers of marma to healthier levels by skillful use of activation. Energizing of these centers can do wonders to both body and mind, relieve pain, and elevate mind to blissfulness. A master practitioner of marma tantra can create these effects and bring healing, much to the amazement and chagrin of modern medical doctors, just by touching on a subject who in turn produces a different mix of neuron – transmitting body energies.

Tantra has a wrong connotation in the Western world; at least by some people who misconceive tantra as sensual ensnare. At no point in the vedic healing process either the practitioner or the beneficiary have any experience that could be identified as sensual ignition. This is the truth unlike what is taught by some of the Western teachers of 21st century. Marma tantra is used as tool upon the participant’s bio-energy to raise prana. Some tantra masters are celibate life long. However, it is true that the subtle palpation skill and therapeutic method identified with awakening of prana infused in Mooladhara chakra and Andakkalam, can be used by a gifted master to provide bliss of sensual nature to his receiver, if that is what specifically aimed at. I would like to state emphatically that my practice does not include this area.

The term marma means sensitive secret core of the thing. They are considered loci of the life energy, prana. A pure marma master with power can reach deep in to this core to awaken the human potentials and to heal diseases.

  Kondakkolli Marma  

One may think this is too good to be true. But this has been known to Indian healers for at least 5000 years. With a pair of hands and accurate knowledge of relevant points of a living body they can accomplish all of these things and more!

Chakras are different from marma. There is a wrong conception that a chakara is basically a giant marma. Marmas vary in strength and no electromagnetic field resonates from the center. A marma is a tiny physical spot unlike a chakra, which is an immaterial energy field of duo polarity. Chakra is directly related to kundalini awakening. Yoga, meditation and pranayama enormously contribute to strengthening these energy fields. Marmas are 108 entities on specific points of physical body, and each one could be attributed to specific dis- eases of the body. As marma is not an electro magnetic energy field, its orientation can be achieved by applying only a finger or single hand of the practitioner. Practitioner needs to use both his hands for revitalizing chakras. A master practitioner can even access energy fields of his patient from a distance. Mmarma tantra is a healing technique of a laying of hands and direct contact is essential for activation.

The common factor in all these practices is that the healer applies the appropriate technique to heal the problem the patient has.



Ayurveda is a medical science and its purpose is to heal, and to maintain quality and longevity of life. Can Ayurveda heal persons ailing from leukemia? Where will a patient find the appropriate treatment?

Ayurveda doctors in India or in the other parts of the world may be helpless to offer you a support. This is because; nowhere in the codified text syllabus of college curriculum they have such healing remedies. Though Ayurveda has been explained classically in ancient codified manuscripts, there is also a galaxy of other traditionally passed over rich wealth of knowledge that being practiced by the hereditary indigenous healers for hundreds of generations. The knowledge is transferred to the later generations by those “guruji” practitioners through their select heirs or chosen “sishya” discipleship. It is a marvel that many such “guru- sishya” knowledge bases have outdone the codified systems, pre-eminently in specialty treatment for many highly difficult specific conditions of afflictions.

The heriditary indigenous practitioner of this category has the title Vaidyan. (Also known as “Paramparia Vaidhyar/ Vaidyan”) The knowledge base thus preserved and handed down has been kept as highly preserved heritage secrets. Many of these healing skills are documented, but for the exclusively privileged private handling of the scrupulous “guruji” practitioner and his chosen “shishya”.

The attributive highlights of the vast knowledge acquired by the “Vaidyan” include identifying medicinal plants, proper collection, assessment, superior refining methods, formulation process, enrichment and application of the resultant medicine. Each activity is undertaken with self-regulated strict standards at the direct supervision of the Vaidyar at the homestead “Vaidyasala”. Enrichment comprises of unique methodology of avarthan and spudavarthan (spuda-avarthan). These are unique techniques for scientifically preparing ayurveda and Kayakalpa formulations through stages of intricate course of processing, which may prolong not months, but years! At an advanced point in this process medicine becomes super potent, which allows practitioner to take his patient to the peaks of devavidya. The long, repeated and intricate refining processing required for these formulations make them very expensive.

Siddha yogis of India renowned for their mystical powers (siddhi) practiced Kayakalpa during ancient ages as a sacred science to attain enhancement of life energy and jeevan mukthi. This science of Kayakalpa delineates the manner in which the human body can be immortalized. This therapy will provide curative, purifying and wonderfully regenerating experience to the patient. Kayakalpa includes physiological therapeutics, herbo-mineral preparations, pranayama (vital breathing practices), pathyacharana (strict dietary guidelines), jeevakrama (daily living recommendations) and Ishwara dhyana (meditating on the Devine). This is a process of complete renewal of the body transforming every cell to refine flow of intelligence with in. It revitalizes your being in a unique manner and relieves you of constitutional and emotional toxins.

In modern times, Ayurveda has become widely popular, even in the West, albeit as a treatment regimen divorced of its original powers. But it is still followed in a manner consistent with tradition among a small number of indigenous vaidyas across the rural India. The traditional guru-shishya relation ship that exists outside of organized institutions gives rise to great vaidyas, who are the custodians of the inheritance of this rich wealth of great knowledge.